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Re: 3rd-person imperative

From:Shreyas Sampat <nsampat@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 9, 2000, 0:04
I've just got a nice easy imperative mood prefix.  It works everywhere, so I'm
capable of making nearly anything into an imperative, though many won't make
sense (if you allow roots to inflect inside verb forms, you can get horrors like
'kuaelanasiiete mianadicieteua', which roughly glosses to 'You should think
that, were you to be in a river, it would be beneficial to you for that to be
so.')  Agglutination's fun.
Incidentally, kua.elanasii.e.t.e -
imperative.think.m.2ps.m benefactive.river.locative.genderless

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