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Re: Weekly Vocab again?

From:Mike Ellis <nihilsum@...>
Date:Sunday, March 30, 2003, 19:04
Christopher Wright wrote:

>I thought it would be nice to start it up again[1], so here is the new >Weekly Vocab.
>I will neither flag nor fail, even though there be no >responses for months! Mulahahahaha!!!!!
Oh there'll be responses. I don't miss these.
>So, with no further ado, I leave you the vocab.
Here it is in Rhean:
>1. to think
kanjerak - to consider, ponder k'rudak - to believe, think that...
>I think about many things.
Pugri talin kanjeram. many things-ACC consider-1SG
>2. to plan
>I plan to go to town today.
Pilonk i mac'iku yurak hatuim. today into town-DAT go-INF(-ACC) plan-1SG
>3. road
>I will go by the low road.
Nap is'al samtom yurirma. by low road-INST go-1SG.FUT
>4. cloak / coat / culturally acceptable heavy outer garment
c'ezök - jacket, coat of unspecified heaviness palto - heavy formal overcoat svarc'ok - heavy coat, parka
>I took my warmest cloak.
Yai kaistas' svarc'ok fikriom. my warmest coat(-ACC) wear-1SG.PAST
>5. to stumble
>I stumbled on the road.
Ot samtom loptaim. upon road-INST stumble-1SG.PAST
>6. wind
wol g'azi - harsher connotation than wol
>The wind was fierce.
G'azi zgirha as'e. wind (fierce) be-3SG.PAST
>7. to snap
ftekek - break in half by bending picak - to whip; also snap violently like a whip
>It snapped my cloak.
Yai svarc'ok picais'. my coat(-ACC) snap-3SG.PAST (which sounds odd, since I used a word closer to "parka")
>8. to freeze
z'madak - freeze self proz'madak - cause to freeze
>My ears are freezing.
Yai yaami z'madaz. my ears freeze-3PL
>9. ice
>I think they have become ice.
Du hyelu nelioz k'rudam. THAT ice-DAT become-3PL.PAST believe-1SG
>10. inn
>I arrive at the inn half-dead.
Mals'inivie u worcu ftukim. half-dead-ADV at inn-DAT arrive-1SG M