My 500th post! The Babel Text in Old Albic
From: | Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg_rhiemeier@...> |
Date: | Sunday, October 24, 2004, 16:22 |
This is my 500th post to CONLANG, and on this occasion I'd like to
present you the Babel text in Old Albic.
Here it is:
Am Barad Babelas
1. Mar ahara cvanthas Aramaras sam tañemas a sam cvararemas.
2. Sí heinsi amana austarana, apheni phalas ndoras Senararas
a aveni tathas.
3. A acvessi ranana: Ha techiemi vi tacelim a mbestiemi tethim.
A adareri tacelim phar ønti a smach phar terchi a acvessi:
4. Ha beriemi vi caras a barad am racoa emi tili Nabom
am chverniemir vi ñgom narna daphalyhi vim cvanemana ndoremarana.
5. Hal anarhaisa o Hero am terasa am caras a am barad
im abareri i cvastehini,
6. a acvassa o Hero: Tera, hara sam pholemas a sam tañemas semas,
a hara san am hajas chvararemas semaremas.
Sal hara nachvarad nan sena amas cvanas
amas hastareri chvaras tathas.
7. Ha nuhejimi a heñiemi tañ semas am na nalestiri rim.
8. Ha adatharera o Hero emana ndoremana cvanemana
am handeri baras amas cararas.
9. Ha ñgomara am caras Babel
car ahañara o Hero tañ emas ndoremas cvanemas,
a adatharera emana ndoremana cvanemana.
Am Barad Babelas
the:I-OBJ tower-OBJ Babel-LOC
1. Mar ahara cvanthas Aramaras
1. but AOR-be-3SG:P whole-LOC world-LOC-LOC
sam tañemas a sam cvararemas.
one-OBJ language-PL-LOC and one-OBJ speech-PL-LOC
2. Sí heinsi amana austarana,
2. as move-IMPF-3PL:A the:I-ALL east-ALL
apheni phalas ndoras Senararas
AOR-find-3PL:A plain-OBJ land-LOC Senar-LOC-LOC
a aveni tathas.
and AOR-dwell-3PL:P 3I:SG-LOC
3. A acvessi ranana:
3. and AOR-speak-3PL:A each.other-DAT
Ha techiemi vi tacelim
so mould-SUBJ-3SG:P-1PL:A 1PL.IN-AGT brick-PL-OBJ
a mbestiemi tethim.
and bake-SUBJ-3SG:P-1PL:A 3I:PL-OBJ
A adareri tacelim phar ønti
and AOR-use-3SG:P-3PL:A brick-PL-OBJ for stone-INST
a smach phar terchi
and tar-OBJ for mortar-INST
a acvessi:
and AOR-speak-3PL:A
4. Ha beriemi vi caras a barad
4. so build-SUBJ-3SG:P-1PL:A 1PL.IN-AGT city-OBJ and tower-OBJ
am racoa emi tili Nabom
REL-PL-OBJ reach-FUT-3SG:P the:I-INST tip-INST heaven-OBJ
am chverniemir vi ñgom
that make-COND-3SG:P-1PL:A-M 1PLIN-AGT name-OBJ
narna daphalyhi vim
lest disperse-FUT-1PL:P 1PL.IN-OBJ
cvanemana ndoremarana.
all-ALL land-PL-LOC-ALL
5. Hal anarhaisa o Hero
5. then AOR-down-go-3SG:A the:M-AGT lord-AGT
am terasa am caras a am barad
that see-3SG:P-3SG:A the:I-OBJ city-OBJ and the:I-OBJ tower-OBJ
im abareri i cvastehini,
REL-PL-OBJ AOR-build-3SG:P-3PL:A the:PL-AGT human-child-PL-AGT
6. a acvassa o Hero:
6. and AOR-speak-3SG:A the:M-AGT lord-AGT
Tera, hara sam pholemas
see-IMP be-3SG:P one-OBJ people-PL-LOC
a sam tañemas semas,
and one-OBJ language-PL-LOC 3A:PL-LOC
a hara san am hajas chvararemas semaremas.
and be-3SG:P this-OBJ the:I-OBJ begin-OBJ do-VN-PL-LOC
Sal hara nachvarad nan sena
now be-3SG:P impossible-OBJ nothing-OBJ 3A:PL-DAT
amas cvanas
the:I-PL-LOC everything-LOC
amas hastareri chvaras tathas.
7. Ha nuhejimi
7. so descend-SUBJ-1PL:A
a heñiemi tañ semas
and confuse-SUBJ-3SG:P-1PL:A language-OBJ 3A:PL-LOC
am na nalestiri rim.
that not understand-3PL:P-3PL:A each.other-OBJ
8. Ha adatharera o Hero
8. thus AOR-disperse-3PL:P-3SG:A the:M-AGT lord-AGT
emana ndoremana cvanemana
the:I-PL-ALL land-PL-ALL all-PL-ALL
am handeri baras amas cararas.
that cease-3SG:P-3PL:A build-VN-OBJ I-LOC city-LOC
9. Ha ñgomara am caras Babel
9. thus name-3SG:P the:I-OBJ city-OBJ Babel
car ahañara o Hero
because AOR-confuse-3SG:P-3SG:A the:M-AGT lord-AGT
tañ emas ndoremas cvanemas,
language-OBJ the:I-PL-LOC land-PL-LOC all-PL-LOC
a adatharera
and AOR-disperse-3PL:P-3SG:A
emana ndoremana cvanemana.
the:I-PL-ALL land-PL-ALL all-PL-ALL
1 first person
2 second person
3 third person
A agent agreement
AGT agentive case
ALL allative case
AOR aorist
COND conditional
DAT dative case
FUT future
I inanimate
IMPF imperfect
IN inclusive
INST instrumental case
LOC locative case
M middle voice
M masculine
OBJ objective case
P patient agreement
PL plural
REL relative
SG singular
SUBJ subjunctive
VN verbal noun
Aram world
austar east
bar- to build
barad tower
caras city
cvan- all
cvanth- whole
cvas- to speak
cvaras speech
cvasta human
cvastahena human-child
chvar- to make, to do
chvaras deed (VN of chvar-)
daphal- to disperse
darar- to use
dathar- to disperse
hai- to move
hand- to cease
has- to be
hastar- to plan
hena child
hero lord
mbast- to bake
Nabo heaven
nachvarad impossible
nalast- to understand
narna lest
ndor land
nuhai- to descend
ñgom name
ñgomar- to name
phalas plain
phola people
phan- to find
rac- to reach
ran each other
sí as
smach tar
tacal brick
tach- to mould
tañ tongue, language
tarch mortar
ter- to see, to look at
til tip
van- to dwell
Comments? Undeserved praise?