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Re: A new member and a new conlang sketch

From:Mr Veoler <veoler@...>
Date:Thursday, October 4, 2007, 13:29
John Vertical wrote:
>... 3) may have some questionable vowel aanalysis (eg. why the decided that >Finnish has /e 9 o/ is beyond me, common analyses speak of either hi-mid /e >2 o/ or lo-mid /E 9 O/ thruout) - but if you've settled on your vowels, this >shouldn't concern you.
Yes, I'm happy with the vowels.
>If you want a wider look on the world's languages' phonologies, there's this >index I've been working on: > >It's still very unfinished beyond Africa, but you should still be able to >get a picture...
Thanks! I put it up on my agenda to analyze it, before I generating more roots in Raikudu. (particularly the Afro-Asiatic phylum)
>>/v/ seems to be the most European phoneme in my inventory. But if you exclude >>all Indo-European languages in Europe, what will then be the cross-linguistic >>most average phoneme inventory? > >I've seen /p t k s h m n r l w j/ + maybe /f tS/ quoted. If that's too few >obstruents for you, AIUI /b d S ?/ are some of the most common "additions", >and after those, /dZ g N/.
Hmm, I'm considering to add /N/. Btw, I have heard that of /p b t d k g/ the two consonants most likely to be absent is /p g/, because of acoustic reasons. Is it possible that /b/ is in fact more common than /p/, but that linguists often transcribe it as /p/ anyway when the language lacks voicing distinction? Well, it might not be important, since it seems like both are common enough for inclusion in my language. (maybe I add /q/ too...)
>BTW, any particular reason to have /i/ = [i ~ I], but no similar situation >with /u/?
By accident/ignorance? :)
>Thorn for /ts/... interesting. Feels kinda backwards to me, but I suppose >from a synchronic viewpoint it's fine. If you switched to <sh ch>, I'd also >switch to <c> for /ts/, but if you like thorn, why not... > >John Vertical
Well, new plans :) <þ š č j ' ŋ y> for /ts S tS dZ ? N @/ .. or maybe <c> instead of <þ>, but I simply doesn't like the look of some words with <c> for /ts/.. I don't know why. The look is okay if <c> represents /S/ in my eyes. Cheers / Veoler


And Rosta <and.rosta@...>"Veoler"