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opinion and statements

From:claudio <claudio.soboll@...>
Date:Saturday, June 23, 2001, 2:16
an opinion = an utterance which claims to be true for the speaker
an statement = an utterance which claims to be true for all persons

some time ago i saw a boy, perhaps 10 years old.
he said something like "X is Y" and then, in a hurry , added the phrase " least
for me".
first of all: "for me" is the phrase you add when you want to
distinguish opinion from statement, because all other
verbs for evidence doenst distinguish it (i think,i guess,i
believe,i mean,i say,i know) except of "i know" which is is abit
second of all: its an ache to use it. therefore people rarely use it
if you dont use it your utterances are viewed as statements.
alas, most utterances are rather opinions than statements.
now back to the boy: its surprising that he uses the struggle to use
this ugly phrase "for me" with just about ten years.
it obviously has some importance for him, and he thinks logical, and
i bet he will lose it with the time, since our language offers no
efficient way to distinguish statement from opinion.
alas, exactly this lack is responsible for misunderstandings and
wrangles and verbal fights again and again.
look at your next verbal discussion and you will notice it.
add an "for me" explicitely to your utterances and no one can harm you
thats just an workaround. for an ideal language the distinction
between both is important as separate introducing well as the distinction between
evidences. they should be head-markers because they are
1. concern the content of the whole sentence,
2. are neccesary to percept the sentence right.
