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Re: USAGE: (Mis)Naming a Language

From:David Peterson <thatbluecat@...>
Date:Thursday, October 28, 2004, 1:34
I wrote:

"Also, what if someone created a language with a name like Teonaht, not knowing
that one already existed, and (with no disrespect to this imaginary person) was far better?"
Huh. It occurs to me that the sentence I wrote was ambiguous in a bad way. What I meant to suggest was that Sally's Teonaht was the better language than Bizarro World Teonaht. You know, I remember when I wrote that sentence that once I got to the part in parentheses I totally got lost. Oops. :( Anyway, in light of everyone's replies, I think I'm going to change the name of Kele to Kelenala. I googled for it, and Google said, "Did you mean Kalevala?" A good book, so I don't mind the association. Anyway, "kele" in Kelenala means "enjoyment", or "to enjoy", and "nala" means "tongue", which also means "language", so I think the pairing is a good one. So, Kelenala it shall be, henceforth. Of course, now I need to go about changing it on all my webpages, and changing the Langmaker entry, maybe getting Janko to change the name on his webpage, and on and on... -David


Sally Caves <scaves@...>