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Sir Vey, that famous knight

From:James Comer <jcomer2001@...>
Date:Sunday, September 11, 2005, 4:18

1) Do you consider yourself a linguist?
 No. I am a polyglot.

2) Given only the following labels, which best describes linguistics
as a discipline for you? (a) a scientific discipline  (b)  a philosophical


What is the difference? It is a human science.

3) Given only the following definitions, which comes closest to
describing the purpose of linguistics for you?  (a) learning to speak many
languages.  (b) learning the structures of languages.  (c) learning how
language works in the human mind.  (d) defining and cataloging languages.
(e) defining language at large. (e) the humanistic study of language and

C, D and E

4) Do you consider yourself a scientist?

I am a(n) historian; a human science, not a physical one.

5) Given only the following definitions, which comes closest to
describing the purpose of science for you?  (a) the search for truth. (b)
use of the scientific method to create theories by proving or disproving
hypotheses (c) the process of discovering natural laws.


6) Do you consider yourself a philosopher?

In the nineteenth-century sort, like Darwin and Stephen Maturin, yes.
In the modern sense, not at all.

7) Given only the following definitions, which comes closest to
describing the purpose of philosophy for you?  (a) the search for truth.
(b) the pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.

(c) the study of the nature of reality based on logical reasoning rather
than empirical methods. (d) a critical analysis of fundamental assumptions

or beliefs. (e) a discipline comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics,
metaphysics, and epistemology.

I am not sure, as I am not a philosopher.

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