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Plan B phonology (was Re: Another weird idea!)

From:Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg_rhiemeier@...>
Date:Sunday, September 11, 2005, 11:57

R A Brown wrote:

> > [Plan B] > > Ah, that's why I couldn't find 'Plan A' :-)
Add to this that "Plan B" is, at least in German, an idiom meaning `a backup plan one takes recourse to when the first attempt has failed'.
> But what occurred to me reading the article again is why if Jeff is > using an alphabet of just sixteen letters, and each letter can be > encoded uniquely as four bits, why he did not simply use hex digits. > > While it is, for example, no surprise to find |b| pronounced as /b/, it > is kind of odd to find it has an allophone /E/.
Of course, it has its own "logic", in extracting, for most of the letters, both values from the same English words. The result are vowel/consonant pairings that are entirely arbitrary, and the vowel inventory being patently English. Bugger.
> One might find using > what are clearly not alphabetic symbols, i.e. hex digits, more > acceptable for their dual vowel/ consonant function.
Yes. A better solution for the Plan B phonology would be to have 16 consonants that are always pronounced as consonants, and a rule that inserts epenthetic vowels to make the whole thing pronouncable (e. g., insert [a] after each odd-numbered consonant counting from the start of the word, thus breaking it up into CVC syllables, with a CV syllable at the end of the word if the number of consonants is odd - so /bpfklp/ is pronouned [bapfaklap] and /trdbm/ is pronounced [tardabma]).
> I recall that Srikanth used numeric digits with dual pronunciations in > his Lin; but while, if they occurred between consonants they were all > pure vowels (no diphthongs as there are apparently with Plan B), when > they occur next to a vowel they are not consonants - as in Plan B & > Max's 'weird idea') - but determine both the length and the tone of the > adjacent vowel. Weird :)
Aren't the phonetic values of Lin symbols a secondary representation of a telephathic language? Greetings, Jörg.


R A Brown <ray@...>