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Re: Zera and other conlangs

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Monday, April 10, 2000, 3:44
In a message dated 4/7/2000 11:51:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
carlos_thompson@CORREO.JAVERIANA.EDU.CO writes:

<<  From this point European history begun to be
 different: no big shipments of American gold, Spain loosing earlier its
 power in Europe, while English becoming earlier world dominators...
Oho! Follow the money....... All that gold financed Charles V/Hapsburg wars
throughout Europe. Fewer hidalgos seeking glory in the New World might have
meant less stability in Spain.  Louis XIV wouldn't have had to bankrupt
France to thwart total Hapsburg hegemony.  The Turks might have captured
Vienna.  Holland would have become independent much sooner and really have
eclipsed England as a naval power.  Worst of all, perhaps, the greatest
Spanish brandy might be called.......Felipe IV?????? ;-))