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Re: Zera and other conlangs

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Monday, April 10, 2000, 2:54
On Sun, 9 Apr 2000 15:58:59 +0200, Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>

>Carlos Thompson wrote: >-----<snip>----- >>So basically any conculture that could solve existing without changing too >>much European history, and is away enough of Hangkerim (Colombia and >>Venezuela), Mesoamerica, Mississippi Basin and Paraná/Rio de la Plata Basin >>will surely fit in Zera. > >The concultures on this list located in the Asia-Pacific region fit >this nicely. So that would include my Boreanesia, Barry Garcia's >concultures, Hawksinger's Pacific island-continent of Pan (the Nowans), >and Kenji Schwarz's conculture. So in theory, these cultures could >exist in the same universe as Hangkerim. Anyone else?
The original speakers of Kirezagi live somewhere in mainland China or the surrounding regions; no one knows exactly where. In the Kolagian universe, a small group of Kirezagi speakers migrated to Japan, and from there to Hawaii and North America. They are non-human, and call themselves "tanja"; the English name for them is "silk fairies". -- languages of Azir------> ----<>--- Thryomanes/Herman Miller "If all Printers were determin'd not to print any h i l r i . o thing till they were sure it would offend no body, m l e @ o c m there would be very little printed." -Ben Franklin