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Re: Zera and other conlangs

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, April 10, 2000, 2:33
>The concultures on this list located in the Asia-Pacific region fit >this nicely. So that would include my Boreanesia, Barry Garcia's >concultures, Hawksinger's Pacific island-continent of Pan (the Nowans), >and Kenji Schwarz's conculture. So in theory, these cultures could >exist in the same universe as Hangkerim. Anyone else? > >We discussed something like this several months ago when Kenji >was still active in the list. From what I remember, Kenji and >Hawksinger agreed that both of their concultures coexist on the >same island. Boreanesia is close enough to Pan to be influenced >in the modern age by the Nowans political system of the >Cooperative state. Geoculturally, the Boreanesians are close >to Barry's Salaangal.
Cool. So the Asia Pacific concultures kind of have their own mini universe going ;). This reminds me, i've been working on a map of the island (well, the main island plus smaller isles off shore). I should hae it scanned in later. I also added some place names on the map. ________________________________________________ The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of holes.