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Re: Dictionary Programs?

From:Mau Rauszer <maurauser@...>
Date:Thursday, August 29, 2002, 9:13
Zesefde Peter Clark  <peter-clark@...> ta 2002.08.28. her 14:04:00 -5h:

> On Wednesday 28 August 2002 07:32, Mau Rauszer wrote: > > I've recently surfed looking for a dictionary creating program and I found > > a very nice one, called Quick Lookup. It allows HTML content so even you > > can use different fonts and so on. It uses mxd format - well i don't know > > if that's only used by this program - and only a 600k exe file! You can > > edit manually the word adding notes or etymology. > It certainly looks nice, but it has several strikes against it. Both > the code > and the format are proprietary, which means that you can neither expand the > program to do more (or hire someone to do it for you) and your dictionary is > locked into one form that cannot be converted to another or altered except > by > the original program itself. I've learned the hard way that this is the most > important part about data files: if the data is not saved either as text or > in some standard form, it's quite possible, indeed, almost certain that > within five to ten years, that data will no longer be accessable to you. As > far as I can tell, the mdx format is their own invention. Lastly, it doesn't > run on Linux or Mac, and the dictionary maker runs only on Windows. > :Peter
HM. Yeah, you're right. I'm probably just diddling with that and will find something better. -- Mau Ábrahám Zsófia alias Mau Rauszer | | "Yú lawe ta mau taqe yibali amis qi ú neb dagu tawiy iq." -- Kipling