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Re: wild, feral, ??, tame, domesticated

From:JS Bangs <jaspax@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 2, 2003, 19:09
Elyse M. Grasso sikyal:

> I'm in Minneapolis for 4 months on a consulting gig. > > I looked out my new apartment window this morning and watched geese grazing on > the lawn. These were not domesticated geese, nor had their ancestors ever > been domesticated. They aren't exactly tame: I doubt that you could actually > touch one. But they don't scatter when a person or auto moves through their > flock. They actually seemed less alarmed than some domestic geese I've known > would have been.
In biology there is a term for an animal whose instinctual fear of humans (or whatever) has been overridden by long contact. Unfortunately, I can't now remember what the term is--accomodated? Adjusted? Accultured? Desensitized? In any case, that's probably the term your looking for. -- Jesse S. Bangs Jesus asked them, "Who do you say that I am?" And they answered, "You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the kerygma in which we find the ultimate meaning of our interpersonal relationship." And Jesus said, "What?"


Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>