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Re: isolating conlangs

From:Amanda Babcock Furrow <langs@...>
Date:Saturday, February 24, 2007, 4:10
On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 10:25:35AM -0500, Mia Soderquist wrote:

> Ea-Luna is an isolating conlang. I have started reviving, revising, and > expanding it. A few days ago, I started a blog on it, for the sake of > simplicity in getting it on the web, at last: . > There's not much on grammar there, and my schedule is pretty packed between > now and Sunday, but there will probably be a whole lot of grammar early > next week.
Oh, cool! I was just thinking about Ea-Luna yesterday... because I have a baby now, and my conlanging has suffered. And I remember that it can be done, because you did it :) Amanda


Mia Soderquist <happycritter@...>Motherhood and conlanging, WAS: Re: isolating conlangs