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Re: vocab #2.2 - KuJomu

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Saturday, November 2, 2002, 23:01
Gracie V. wrote:
>Was I supposed to have done a formal introduction, or somesuch?
That would be nice. But we're glad to hear from you anyway. Welcome!! Hmmm---
>> How many scales are there on a trout? >Kantyé dehpíi tinyo anláuk? >How many/much(question ind.) scales has(hypothetically) (article)fish? > >> Every one of the dish sets was chipped >Kullan na wakolepiring tehz tironjelé. >Each one of (pl. article)groupdish was (slightly broken) >
Do I detect some Malay/Indonesian here? (lauk 'fish', piring 'plate')-- or just an amazing coincidence? Looks like an interesting and well-developed language. More, more!!