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Re: Weekly Vocab 9 (re? for interlinear)

From:Jake X <starvingpoet@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 2:10
[g&r\Et r\oUt]:

> do you think you could provide an interlinear for this? i like to see
> people's interlinears to get ideas on how to translate the sentences for
> own conlang.
Sorry that I didn't... Interlinears can just be so time consuming and I didn't have the time just then and though no one would care either way... Although, this one doesn't seem to difficult actually, because the sentences are so easy. The form ended up being mostly like english. Here goes: 1. My father told my brother to teach me. Cg batdag sacec eddec: titat em. the father said DAT-brother teach-IMP me 2. He also left me a small sum of money. Cioa amnec, y ebem a podo nmelo. He.inverse died, and/also DAT-me GEN little-pl money-pl. 3. My brother stole my land. Cioa ddec gisec esc cg pen. The brother stole my the land. 4. I am forced to sleep in the stable. Cildea em bydda ba cg bester. Someone me.masc sleep LOC the beast-house. 7. Perhaps I'll run away with his favorite stallion. Patselt am geddesccua gisa cit ciapyl cualnmacel. Maybe* I escape steal his horse love.passive_participle. *Patselt, or maybe, was inspired by German vielleicht <- viel + leicht ? So past (much) + selt (easy) = patselt, maybe. ;-) 10. I'm so depressed. Am ci ba gddot moade's. I the LOC pool sadness. Jake


Garrett Jones <conlang@...>