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Re: Nice comment, Adam! (was: beautiful scripts)

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Sunday, October 14, 2001, 23:33
laokou scripsit:

> If you've been nursed on the traditional, it's a *rough* aesthetic road > going to simplified. Living on the mainland for four years, I got used to > them, but I found them heavy and clunky, kind of a metaphor for the whole > stifling Communist experience [...]
As I understood it, the great bulk of the simplified characters actually are rooted in old cursive forms: the "simplifiers" did not so much design them as select them. -- John Cowan Please leave your values | Check your assumptions. In fact, at the front desk. | check your assumptions at the door. --sign in Paris hotel | --Miles Vorkosigan


laokou <laokou@...>