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From:Carlos Eugenio Thompson (EDC) <edccet@...>
Date:Thursday, June 8, 2000, 16:20
Here is another translation into my new language: Jumapeù.  In order to make
this message through a Latin-1 transcription is given.  This is the Lord's
Prayer, and bellow that will be a corrected version of "Odio".

        Irlcè Taghe

        Irlcè Taghe gu edela jaros
        lètihugneù ecè caneù
        lèmurneù ecè dumol da rê ladeù da eù jaro
        irlcè farseùl gìnolîteùl loteù sirl be vu witseù
        irlcè pisinjo lèrutjeùni sirl be
        scî gu birl rutnaji gu bèkal pisinnila sirl
        lèvibèli sirl be gu tapirl walinos
        lèviboli sirl be ghedzjinos
        igjos ecè da darninol da fesol da herol vu nasc

 <rl>, <rd>, <rt>, <rs>, <rts>, <rr> are retroflexes and 'r' should be
replaced by a cedilla or apostrophe bellow.
 <sc>, <tsc>, <zj>  and <dzj> are postalveolars and should be writen with s
acute and z acute.
 <w> and <j> are voiced fricatives (labiovelar and palatal, respectively).
 <c> is a voiceless palatal fricative /C/.
 <gh> is a voiced velar fricative and should be writen as g breve.
 <è> is a schwa and sould be written as superscript e.
 <ù> and <ì> are either /w/, /j/ or /U/, /I/ and should be writen with a
breve (instead of a grave).
 <ê> and <î> are rounded vowels (/9/ and /y/).
 <v>, <r> and <rr> are aproximants (labiodental, alveolar and retroflex).


        Da tscelila gus kos garamila bu be,
                da tscelila gu kos be garamini.
        Da tscelila gus lînila se,
                da tscelila si bu ibereù.
        Da tscelila gus t´selila se,
                da tscelila si bu ibereù.
        Da tscelila gus bi okom bu ecè,
                da tscelila gus bi rrokom bu ecè.
        Da tscelila gus keù mureli si.
        Da tscelila eùs gìtscelis nasc.
        Ibug tscelila gus keùs scî
                keùcè, tsceghalila eùs nasc.

Some clues: _da_ is "and".

-- Carlos Th