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Re: OT: Composing (jara: My girlfriend is a conlanger!)

From:Jake X <starvingpoet@...>
Date:Friday, March 21, 2003, 20:37
(don't speak dutch, so I'm guessing): [jan f@n 'stenb@rxen rot]  (<-if
that's wrong, like I'm sure it is, how DO you pronounce your name?))

> --- John Cowan skrzypszy: > > > Okay, okay. I was only trying to be helpful. :-) > > It was by no means intended as a ridiculization of your explanation. I
> wanted to express my astonishment by the fact that similar expressions
exist in
> litterally the same form in several languages. One thing that has never
> to amaze me is that Polish and Dutch have so many expressions in common
> don't exist in German. I have never really understood how such a situation > could have emerged.
So, then, is there no expression "to turn over in ones grave" in German, that would follow your pattern? Jake


Joe <joe@...>