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Re: Question about Morpheme Orders in Verbs.

From:Trebor Jung <treborjung@...>
Date:Monday, January 31, 2005, 2:39
Elliott írta: "I'm trying to figure out if there are many languages
in which personal endings are not at the periphery of
the verbal complex."

Sure, my conlang Kosi does this; schematically, the order goes something
like: voice-mood-indirect.object-verb.root-subject-direct.object-aspect
(though this might change a bit-- as I'm working on the lang continuously--
but the basic verb.root-person-other.stuff idea won't change).

And I'll do some asking around for info on natlangs; for starters, though,
try Turkish, I *think* it does this (don't quote me on that however!). :)

...who reads alot of this stuff, even though he doesn't say much :P


Elliott Lash <erelion12@...>