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From:leafykitty <leafy@...>
Date:Sunday, April 13, 2003, 17:16
In my experience you need an application like QBASIC (the old compiler
and editer for MS-DOS) to be able to run basic source files... I think I
recall a compiler which could make an executable file out of them, but I
believe you had to pay for it (heh). I'm not quite sure how one would go
about acquiring the necessary tools to execute a .bas file in this day
and age, however.

Jonathan Knibb wrote:

>Chris - sounds like a great utility, and it's downloading fine now. >Just one question from one unused to QBasic ... what exactly does one >do to a .bas file to make it do its stuff? Double-clicking doesn't >seem to be cutting the mustard. > >Forgive my ignorance :) > >Jonathan. > >[reply to jonathan underscore knibb at hotmail dot com] >-- >'O dear white children casual as birds, >Playing among the ruined languages...' >Auden/Britten, 'Hymn to St. Cecilia' > > >


Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>