Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:
> No, but they have a hierarchy of salience. I'm a bit foggy
> on the details ATM, but can look them up tomorrow.
> IIRC (which I might as well not) the order is
> something like t - p - k for voiceless stops and
> b - d -g for voiced stops. Vcl vs. vcd and stop vs.
> fricative also vary in salience; thus k is more
> salient than g, which is least salient of all stops.
Something like [t b p d k g]?
I'm trying to combine it with the order Wikipedia gives
[p t k] [b d g] [f θ] [v ð z] [s] [m n] [l] [r]
> This hierarchy also governs the relative frequency
> of various sounds across vocabulary.
Never heard about it. So consonants that are close to each
other in salience generally have a similar frequency?
-- Veoler