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Re: CHAT: "John Doe" equivalents sought

From:Daniel Seriff <microtonal@...>
Date:Sunday, May 21, 2000, 18:51
> I've been asked on another mailing list to collect "dummy names" from > other cultures. In Anglo-America, the names "John Doe" and "Richard Roe" > (and female equivalents with "Jane") are used in the legal system and > elsewhere for people whose names are not known. I have heard that > the name "Alain LaFlamme" is used similarly either in France or in > French Canada (my informant wasn't certain). Are there other such names > elsewhere? Details eagerly solicited.
I've heard "John Q. Public" and "Jane Q. Public", but this seems to be a rather stilted '40s & '50s American usage. It sounds like you'd hear it on an old WWII news reel, referring to all the folks working at home in the factories.
> -- > John Cowan > Yes, I know the message date is bogus. I can't help it. > --me, on far too many occasions
-- Daniel Seriff