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Re: A Font for Pictographs

From:David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Date:Sunday, December 14, 2008, 10:25
Oh, this doesn't have to do with sharing documents--THAT is�impossible (or, at
least, using the filetype that one uses in creating�the document). This is
just for personal use on the Mac. Beyond�that, when it comes to sharing
documents, that's what .pdf's are�for, and there I've never had any problems.
Honestly, though, I�wouldn't even send a .pages document to another Mac user
that�I know uses Pages. The only way to guarantee that the things�shows up
the way you want it to is with a .pdf--and even *that*�isn't 100%,
eleSkarez ygralleryf ydZZixelje je ox2mejze."�"No eternal reward will forgive
us now for wasting the dawn."��-Jim
Morrison����On Dec 14, 2008, at 2∞17 AM,
Jean-François Colson wrote:��> On Sunday, December 14, 2008 10:35 AM CET,
David J. Peterson wrote:�>�>> In order to properly use�>> it, you have to
use the Mac's "Character Palette", which, in my�>> opinion, is hopelessly
inefficient.�>�>> Second (and this is relevant�>> for you, Eric), I
created a new font called DaveIPA. What is it?�>> It's the old SIL font. The
only difference is I created it so it�>> works�>> just like the old one
does--just like the mapping above. If you�>> download this font and install
it, it'll work just like the old one.�>> Using my font creation program, I
basically opened up the new�>> SIL font, scrolled down to the Unicode
locations of the IPA�>> characters,�>> and pasted them into the places
where I was used to them being,�>> and made that a font. This font certainly
isn't as useful as the�>> regular SIL font for those who are used to dealing
with Unicode,�>> but you might rather like it, Eric. If you'd like to give it
a�>> whirl,�>> you can download it here:�>�> I think this is not the
ideal solution to share documents on the�> internet.�> Have you never
considered making new keyboard drivers when you�> frequently needs Unicode
characters which are not available on your�> keyboard?�> Ukelele
(�> site_id=nrsi&item_id=ukelele)
could help you in doing this, and�> your new documents would be readable by
persons who don't use DaveIPA.�>�> JF�