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Re: Uusisuom's influences

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Saturday, March 31, 2001, 18:43
On Sat, 31 Mar 2001, Daniel44 wrote:

>I think it's inaccurate to say that Uusisuom's influences are very >'european'. > >It's major two influences have been Finnish and Lithuanian:
Can't get much more European than a European country!
>Finnish = one of the oldest modern languages in Europe;
>ties to Saami >nomadic languages, arguably the most beautiful natural language in the >world.
Arguably, to be sure!
> >Lithuanian = highly prized for its Indo - European roots. Many of its words >can be traced back to ancient India and the Sanskrit language.
Traced back to IE, surely; but Sanskrit?
> >It is also worth mentioning that Uusisuom's grammar system is more similar >to languages such as Urdu, many African language systems and other WORLD >languages than to simply 'European' ones. > >Ultimately, it's a distinct and unique language. It has influences because >every language has influences, and it's not absolutely perfect because no >language is. There have been members of this list complain that the >language's words do not include enough Finnish. But they miss the point: the >language is unique and distinctive in its own right.
Indeed! It is turning out to be a neat conlang.
>The last thing anyone can call Uusisuom is a 'Euroclone'.
I'd agree here.
>In terms of being >an international auxiliary language, it has a hell of a lot going for it:
Try Uuisuom out in Auxlang, if you haven't already. If so, what's been the reaction?
>beautiful design, inherent simplicity, uniqueness and distinctiveness and >complete neutrality.
Beautiful? In the ear of the beholder, and ultimately inarguable. Inherently simple? Probably not. (I don't think _any_ langauges are inherently simple.) Unique and distinct? Undoubtedly true; but no more or less than any other tongue. Neutrality? Probably not. Once you decide to base your auxlang on one or more realworld languages, you throw "neutrality" out the window. I'd also lose the auxlang angle around here. The two lists "CONLANG" and "AUXLANG" exist for very good reasons and we want to keep it that way. Apart from that, please continue to update us on your language's progress! Padraic.
>Best wishes, > >Daniel >


Daniel44 <daniel44@...>