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Re: Kali-sise Grammar

From:Philippe Caquant <herodote92@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 5, 2004, 13:15
I had some troubles with the logic of the lexicon...

Nanese-natinu-se [meat+nation.] proper n. Germany

Nelu-lune-pile-se [black+red+yellow.] proper n.
Germany (DEU)

nelu-kune-lune-nila [black+{opposite}+red+blue.] n.
lavender -- a pale shade of purple/violet

Nila-nelu-kune-lune-se [blue+black+{opposite}+red.]
proper n. Yugoslavia (YUG)

Kala-natinu-se [art+nation.] proper n. France, French
Republic -- a republic in western Europe; the largest
country wholly in Europe

I'm really happy to learn that France is considered as
the country of Arts (while those heavy German
sausage-eaters live in the country of Meat), but I'm a
little dubious about the flag-system. If you have to
change the name of, say, an African country, every
time its flag changes, you'll spend most of your time
recompiling the lexicon. And anyway, I would be
totally unable to record the order of the
blue-white-red colours in the many Slavic flags using
them (Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia,
Czech Republic... maybe more ?), besides France,
Netherlands, Luxemburg, Thailand, Costa Rica and
probably various others. Just remembering where they
are and what is their capital is already not too bad.

By the way, Yugoslavia doesn't exist any more (it's
Serbia & Montenegro by now), and France is the largest
country in Europe only if you don't take into account
Russia and Ukraine.

--- Jeff Jones <jeffsjones@...> wrote:
> > > >>It would be good to see the lexicon. > > > > > >
===== Philippe Caquant "High thoughts must have high language." (Aristophanes, Frogs) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs


John Cowan <cowan@...>The Red, White, and Blue (was: Kali-sise Grammar)