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Re: Kali-sise Grammar

From:Jeff Jones <jeffsjones@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 5, 2004, 9:35
On Sun, 25 Apr 2004 19:30:52 -0400, Jeffrey Henning <jeffrey@...>

>Jeff Jones wrote: > >>This is an interesting sketch. ... >>The case-marker/pronoun idea is interesting. I have no idea if it's >>natural or not. I take it that case-marking is mandatory to avoid >>ambiguity? > >Yes, it's mandatory. > >>I suppose that since you require se to mark verbs (even for verb-type >>notions) this could be considered an all-noun language. > >Verbs are derived from nouns, in an idiosyncratic fashion (i.e., its not >systematic). > >>It would be good to see the lexicon. > > > >Thanks for the feedback! > >Best regards, > >Jeffrey
That's really impressive. I actually meant to ask for the _roots_ list, but that's OK since I found it. I'll be taking a closer look eventually -- I want to see how you handle things like aspect lexically. Oh, and I noticed someone made a syllabary for you. I had meant to say before that you could easily do an ASCII syllabary (with only 24 syllables you could stick to lower case) although it wouldn't be very readable. Jeff


Philippe Caquant <herodote92@...>