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Re: CHAT: Visible planets (was: Corpses)

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 12, 2003, 12:52
--- Tommie L Powell <tommiepowell@...> wrote:
> Isidora Zamora wrote: > > I'm curious how it happens that most of the Arabs > you know are > > Christian. I would think that this would be an > unusual situation, > > given that most Arabs actually are Muslim. > > Here in the US, about half of the Arabs are > Christians because they > mostly came from the Arab countries that have had > large Christian > populations since the time of the Crusades (namely, > Lebanon, Palestine > and Syria). One thing I find particularly > disgusting about our American > media is that, though Israel treats Palestine's > Christians just as > horribly as it treats its Moslems, our media ignore > that (perhaps because > mentioning it might make some Americans wonder why > our government favors > Jews over Christians there).
Well, the government of Israel doesn't treat Jewish Christians any better. They're even denied the right of aliyah, and are sometimes threatened with deportation. Adam ===== Fached il prori ul paƱeveju djul atexindu mutu chu. -- Carrajena proverb


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>Christians in the Holy Land (WAS: CHAT: Visible planets (was: Corpses))