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Re: past tense imperative

From:Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>
Date:Friday, April 15, 2005, 16:57
--- René Uittenbogaard <ruittenb@...> wrote:
> A couple of days ago, I was struck by an interesting > grammatical construction > in Dutch. Dutch has a construction in which an > imperative can be used in > the past perfect: > > Had dat dan gezegd! - You should have told me so! > Was dan niet gegaan! - You shouldn't have gone!
This looks like fun. The only "non-standard" use I've made of the imperative is in my romconlang (still in search of a name) where the first person (sing/plural)of the imperative is used to translate something like "Let's go." or "I'm leaving." or "Let's get something to eat." --gary