Re: New Translation Exercise >>> The Actual Song Lyrics
From: | Tony Harris <tony.harris@...> |
Date: | Wednesday, January 27, 1999, 22:17 |
Here's the Aluric version:
>...> "freedom, freedom, for all the children,
> so that they won't tell us what to eat and what to think.
> freedom, freedom, for all the children,
> a great great great freedom!
L=EDvr=EBs, l=EDvr=EBs, epn=E1 tt=F2sn=EBn=FF k=E1y=EBn=FF,
P=F3lef =F1e k=E1n=EA shth=F3n tt=E1sh=E2, shth=F3n gzer=E2.
L=EDvr=EBs, l=EDvr=EBs, epn=E1 tt=F2sn=EBn=FF k=E1y=EBn=FF,
Mexv=E1, z=E1rre, mexv=E1 l=EDvr=EBs!
>...> so that they won't ask us to do what we don't want [to do],
> and so that they won't say things that we don't understand.
> so that all the children will go up into the trees
> and all the adults will become small.
P=F3lef =F1e p=EDth=EA =F1=F3ly=EBn =F1e bleshv=E9,
Dd=E1 p=F3lef =F1e d=EDv=EA =F1=F3ly=EBn =F1e v=F9z=E9.
P=F3lef tt=F2sn=EBn k=E1y=EBn b=F3y=E1n=E2 =E1s bhelk=E1n=FF,
Dd=E1 tt=F2sn=EBn b=F3yev=E1n z=E1nyely=E1n=E2.
>...> freedom, freedom, for all the children,
> a great great great freedom!"
L=EDvr=EBs, l=EDvr=EBs, epn=E1 tt=F2sn=EBn=FF k=E1y=EBn=FF,
Mexv=E1, z=E1rre, mexv=E1 l=EDvr=EBs!
This was quite an interesting exercize, actually. The litteral translati=
of the Aluric text covers the meaning well, but is quite different than t=
English original. For example, on the "great great great freedom" I have
used both Mexv=E1 (great, honored, awesome) and Z=E1rre (great, big), whi=
ch I
think expresses the meanings nicely. Also, for example, the second verse
In-order not to-be-asked that-which not is-wanted,
And in-order not to-be-said that-which not is-understood.
In-order every(acc.) child(acc.) to-grow(fut.) unto tree(dat.),
And every(acc.) adult(acc.) to-become-small(fut.)
Cool exercize!
Tony Harris
Community College of Vermont