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Re: [wEr\ Ar\ ju: fr6m] ? Am I right??

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 13, 2001, 15:05
SuomenkieliMaa wrote:

>>Something like [nihoN\], I believe. > > Not sure I agree about final [N] -- that represents a > typical -ng- like in _song_ doesn't it? Nihon/Nippon > both end with a forceful -n-. After [N] I can only > see the yen symbol -- what the heck is that supposed > to be?
A backslash. It looks like a yen symbol to you because your system can't tell the difference between ASCII and JIS X 0201, which recycles the code for the backslash character to represent a yen symbol. Anyway, N-backslash means "small capital N", the uvular nasal; it is much further back than N. -- Not to perambulate || John Cowan <jcowan@...> the corridors || during the hours of repose || in the boots of ascension. \\ Sign in Austrian ski-resort hotel