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Re: [wEr\ Ar\ ju: fr6m] ? Am I right??

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Sunday, November 11, 2001, 4:56
On Sat, 10 Nov 2001 19:33:26 +1100, Tristan Alexander McLeay
<anstouh@...> wrote:

>On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, SuomenkieliMaa wrote: >> Now I live in >> Ward: Suginami [sugi:nami] > >Wouldn't that be [suginami]?
I'd guess the Japanese version would be [sMginami] or [sMNinami]. Is this one of those words that pronounces -g- as [N]?
>> City: Tokyo [tO:kiO:] > >[t_h8ukj8u] for me, but this'll differ from dialect-region to dialect >region. And I think the point of the excercise is to get native >pronunciations.
Well, native pronunciations would be appreciated, but I'm not native to Ann Arbor for instance (I was born in Lansing ["l{nsIN], and I've lived in a number of states other than Michigan that affected my pronunciation). So non-native pronunciations and different language versions are also acceptable. I probably ought to mark non-native pronunciations in some way, though.
>> Country: Japan [dZ_pA:n] > >English's pronunciation would be something more like [dZ@p{:n], I think. >And again, in Japanese?
Something like [nihoN\], I believe. SuomenkieliMaa, do you know how the names are written in Japanese characters? This is what I get from JWPce's dictionary: I'm familiar with the characters for Tokyo and Japan, but Suginami is unfamiliar to me. “ú–{ Japan [nihoN\] “Œ‹ž Tokyo [to:kjo:] ?™•À Suginami [sMginami] (And are these IPA transcriptions acceptably close to the Japanese pronuncation?)


SuomenkieliMaa <suomenkieli@...>