Marcos Franco wrote:
> How do you say "mental masturbation" in your conlang?
I haven't yet tried this.
I'd probably translate it "an act of thought not producing practical,
useful results" for ea-luna literary purposes. Saying
what you mean is highly valued by ea-luna speakers. :)
> In UTL it would be said "mentala masturbio", though having -at- as
> passive suffix, I was wondering what could mean "masturbatio" in UNL.
> It would mean literally "the action of being masturbated", but since
> masturbate/masturbi is a reflexive verb (by definition) this would
> make not much sense in a logical language like UTL. Btw, I could not
> logically say "to masturbate another person" as masturbi is reflexive.
> Btw, do you say in English "I masturbate" or "I masturbate myself"?
Just "I masturbate"... the "myself" is implied.
> Well, as we have seen some problems may get aroused with the verb
> masturbate if we let it reflexive, so I think it's better having it
> defined as transitive and let no reflexive verbs in UTL. But how can
> "masturbate" be transitive if its definition is "to provide oneself
> sexual pleasure"?
Conlangs can avoid this by having a transitive verb meaning "To
stimulate manually or mechanically" and letting it be reflexive as