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Re: CHAT: mental masturbation

From:Andrew Smith <hobbit@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 0:52
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Kristian Jensen wrote:

> As far as maturity and civilness goes (of which I hold this list in > high regard), maturity and civilness comes with being able to look > upon the "s" and "m" word in on-topic discussions seriously (without > having to flinch, snicker, or sulk). Its healthier that way. In > other words, lighten up as the list-owner himself said. >
Add the "r" word to that list. The playground taunts thread mentioned that while while the use of racist terms are a part of group dynamics we (inclusive) will be coy about the use of such words on this list. Must we be so censorious? Are we so afraid of causing offence? I prefer to remain aloof from threads on sex. My own sexuality is no one else's business. But I see no reason to exclude such threads from this list. Sexuality is a part of language, including mine. What does the list subscription posting advise on this? Does a caveat need to be added? - andrew. (About to wander off to a library and figure out how to say 'mental masturbation' in Brithenig!) Andrew Smith, Intheologus "Orcs eat Hummers." - Old Orc Saying.