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Re: CHAT: mental masturbation

From:Brian Betty <bbetty@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 1, 1999, 17:58
And. wrote: "I think I would agree that conlanging is no better than mental
masturbation. Indeed, if one broadens the sense of "masturbation" to
"self-gratification (not necessarily erotic)" then it surely *is* mental

Mm, masturbation!

Seriously though, does that mean to said psychologist that masturbation is
useless, a waste of time, and has no function? If so, he is self-deluding.
What's wrong with masturbation, anyway? It's healthy. Ask the APA.

Tomboy: "a wench that skippeth as a boy."
- Richard Verstegen, 1605

"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo."
- H.G. Wells