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Re: English questions

From:Thomas Leigh <thomas@...>
Date:Friday, May 23, 2003, 16:16
 Adam Walker  wrote:

> Goodness. Sounds like a homework assignment. OE /x/ > had different outcomes depending on its position in > the word. I became 0 in some environments [f] in > others and had other outcomes elsewhere. There are > others more knowledgable than, I but I'll leave it at > that (at least till I'm sure this *isn't* a homework > assignment ;-)
No, this is not a homework assignment... I'm long out of school! :) It's for my own edification. I've had a passion for Anglo-Saxon for years, and did a semester of it at university, but I never bothered finding out much about the actual development of English from A-S to Modern English over the centuries. A new conlang project of mine has actually had me looking at Old and Middle High German (which I now know more about than I do about Modern German!) watching the development of German has in turn gotten me interested in the development of English. After all, what sort of language nut would I be if I carried on knowing none of the juicy details of how my own native language evolved? Thomas