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Re: CHAT: The centre of the temporal universe, was Translation relay

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Saturday, June 19, 1999, 4:06
On Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:42:40 -0700, Matt Pearson <mpearson@...>

>The Teonim must have a hard time finding the Tokana, since I still >haven't managed to nail down exactly where they live. I keep going >back and forth between Vancouver Island, the Queen Charlotte Islands, >and the north shore of the mouth of the Columbia River (i.e. the >southwestern tip of Washington State). I'm also vacillating between >whether they'll be a hunter-gatherer people or a small-scale =
>people (or both). Conculturally, the Tokana are sort of in limbo right >now, I guess... > >Matt.
Speaking of concultural limbo, the whole of the Kolagian sector is in a similar state at the moment. The biggest displacement has got to be the planet Thersenia, which was near the Omega Centauri star cluster. I want the distances to be more realistic, while still remaining a ways away, so I'm thinking they must be somewhere around the Pleiades, if I can find a suitable star nearby. (Physical distance is actually misleading since Kolagian space travel depends on the existence of "tunnels" in the luminiferous ether, which = are thought to have been built by an ancient civilization. But it's a good rough guide to travel time.) -- languages of Kolagia---> = +---<>--- Thryomanes /"If all Printers were determin'd not to print = any (Herman Miller) / thing till they were sure it would offend no = body, moc.oi @ rellimh <-/ there would be very little printed." -Ben = Franklin