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Weekly Vocab 3 and 4 in Ayeri

From:Carsten Becker <naranoieati@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 14:01

Here come #3 and #4 ...

"+" means "new word"
[t] is actually [t_d]
[d] is actually [d_d]
"na" means "animate noun"
"ni" means "inanimate noun"

On Tuesday 25 November 2003 21:42 +0100, Christopher Wright

 > Vocab 4:
 > A bit late because of Easter, but time is an illusion.[1]

... which would fit into the "Proverbs" thread.

 > 1. slippery
 From the example I guess the adjective was meant:

 > The table is slippery.
Prihinnoeng nurinamo.
/p4i"hino"EN "nu4i"namo/
table.A A.slippery

 > 2. to spill

 > I spilled my soy milk[2] on it.
(I prefer the real stuff! Cow milk pwnz!!!)
Le caladáyang cangaon ayena aràea.
/le "kala"da:jAN "kANgaOn Aj)"ena "a4a"ea/
TRG:P PAST.spill.1sg.A milk.TRG 1sg.GEN 3sg:a.LOC
+canga, ni: milk

 > 3. to vex
in case you mean "to make angry":
+critao < crito (angry)

 > This vexes me greatly.
Edanyaon eng critarà-ican ayaris.
/e"dAnjaOn EN "k4ita"4a."ikan Aj)"a4Is/
This.TRG TRG:A vex.3sg.much 1sg.P

 > 4. to curse (a full-blown spell or a swear word, your
 > choice)
The example suggests a fullblown spell:

 > I curse the glass that failed me.
("The glass" is rather "the drinking vessel" in my case. If
you mean that you drank too much and failed ...)
Le pedaráyang ginamon silei isa masemáràon ayaris.
/le "peda"4a:jAN "ginamOn si"lEI) "isa "mase"ma:4aOn
TRG:P curse.1sg.A glass.TRG REL:P TRG:CAU 1sg.P
+ginam, ni: glass, +semáo: to fail, (+tiáo: to make)

 > 5. carpet
+peham, ni

 > My fine carpet is ruined.
Pehamlei ayena evenon ebisaya.
/pja"m4EI) Aj)"ena e"venOn "ebi"saja/
carpet.P 1sg.GEN P.beautiful P.ruined
+venon: beautiful, *fine*; +bisaya: ruined (always P!)

 > 6. sniffle

 > *sniffle*
[m_0_<\] (see

 > 7. to replace

 > I cannot replace it.
Ang ming hiroiayin aràlei.
/AN mIN "hi4wa"in "a4a"lEI)/
TRG:A can replace.NEG.1sg.TRG 3sg:a.P

 > 8. heirloom
+gevarim, ni

 > It is an heirloom from my great-grandmother's neice's
 > daughter's husband. [Bonus points if you translate the
 > relationship into one word.]
Aràeng megevarim ayonena macinavaena vamavaena.
/"a4a"EN "mege"va4im "ajOn"ena ma"kinava"ena va"mava"ena/
3sg:a.A a:P.heirloom husband.GEN niece.GEN
+banedan = father-brother = uncle, +bacindan = father-sister
= aunt, +manehava = mother-brother = uncle, +macinhava =
mother-sister = aunt, ..., +macinava = sister-daughter =

 > 9. ghost
+ten, ni (< ten (noun animate): spirit)

 > His ghost will follow me for all my days.
Tenon iyêna senasyarà ayaris bahisenea ayena.
/"tenOn "je:na "sena"sja4a Aj)"a4Is "bahise"nea."ikan
ghost.TRG 3sg:e.GEN FUT.follow.3sg:a 1sg.P day.every.LOC
+nasyao: to follow

 > 10. bitter

 > I shall die a bitter, hunted person.
Ang secutenyáyin menyano aubo nay acolisa.
/AN "sekutEn"ja:in men"jano "Au)bo nAI) "ako"lisa/
TRG:A a:P.person P.bitter and P.hunted
+colisa: hunted < +colao: to hunt, +nyano, na: person

 > [1] Lunch time doubly so.
They proved it at Brainiac ;-)

 > [2] Soy milk is nothing compared to the real thing. Stuff
 > squeezed from live cows is so appetizing.
It is!

Wow! That has been 1 hour of work until here, and 19 new


 > Vocab 3:
 > 14 April
 > A tribute to _Les Miserables_ and Victor Hugo.

 > 1. to steal
+pagáo (~ pahao, to take away)

 > Jean Valjean stole a loaf.
In Valjean Jean ang mapagaiyà mevadisano.
/in "vAlZa~"Za~ AN ma"paga"ia me"vadi"sano/
TRG Jean_Valjean A PAST.steal.3sg:a a:P.bread

 > 2. to arrest
+pahao: to take (away), to remove, *to arrest*

 > He was arrested.


Arilinyain mapahaiyè iyâris
/"a4i" "mapa"haje i."a:4Is/
somebody.TRG PAST.arrest.3sg:e 3sg:a.PAT
He was arrested *by someone*

 > 3. prison
+vingon, na

 > In prison, Javert disliked Valjean.
Vingonea, ang Javert sira mavatyaryaiyò in Valjean.
/"vINgOn"ea AN ZA"vE:R "si4a ma"vatja4"jajo in vAl"Za~/
Prison.LOC A Javert TRG:P TRG Valjean.

 > 4. punishment
+entano, ni

 > Javert dealt many punishments to Valjean.
Ang Javert le mailiyò entanoicanon yam Valjean.
/AN ZA"vER "le mAI)"lio En"tano."icanOn jAm vAl"Za~/
A Javert TRG:P PAST.give.3sg:o punishment.many.TRG BEN

 > 5. to escape
+mangasaha nimpao (+nimpao = to run) => to run away

 > Finally, Valjean escaped while on a work detail.
Pantea, ang Valjean mangasaha manimpaiyà si tadayea ea
mayomaiyà <work detail>on.
/pAn"tea AN vAl"Za~ "mANga"saha ma"nImpa"ia "sitadAj)"ea jA
ma"joma"ia ...On/
Finally, A Valjean away when TRG:LOC <work detail>.TRG
(What's a "work detail"? I couldn't find it in the
dictionary and I couldn't grasp the meaning from looking up
other meanings of "detail", which seemingly can also mean
"command", "troop" or "patrol" or something like that)
+pantea: finally

 > 6. business
+virang, ni

 > He set up a business that helped many people.
Le mavehiyâng mevirangon silei sira manelarùeng ayeicanin.
/le "mave"hiAN "mevi"4ANgOn si"lEI) "si4a ma"nela4u"EN
TRG:P REL:P TRG:P people.many.TRG

 > 7. charity
+banan, ni < ban (good) + -an (nominalizer for irrealis)

 > When people cried for charity, they cried for him.
Ang mabahiyè ayein bananyam, yam mabohaiyèang iyàin.
/AN "maba"hie " ba"nAnjAm jAm "mabo"haje"AN jA."in/
TRG:A PAST.cry.COND.3sg:e people.TRG charity.BEN, TRG:BEN
PAST.cry.CONS.3sg:e.A 3sg:a.TRG

 > 8. to chase
+colao: to hunt, *to chase*

 > Javert chased Valjean to his [Valjean's] new hiding
 > place.
Ang Javert ea macoliyò sira Valjean mangasaha yaningon
eihiro iyàena.
/AN ZA"vE:R jA ma"co"lio "si4a vAl"Za~ "mANga"saha
ja"nINgOn EI)"hi4o jA"ena/
A Javert TRG:LOC P Valjean to(wards) hiding_place.TRG 3sg:a.GEN
+yaningon, ni (< yano (place) + naing (cover)): hiding place

 > 9. to disappear
+silbayao (< silvao (to see) + -arya (un-))

 > Valjean disappeared to do one last act of charity.
Ang Valjean masilbayiyà mirayam bananlei yatadayyam aipang.
/AN vAl"Za~ ma"silbAI)"ia "mi4a"jAm "banAn"lEI) me"tadAj)On
A Valjean PAST.disappear.3sg:a do.BEN charity.P
a:OBL.time.BEN OBL.last
+pang (< epang (end)): last

 > 10. suicide
+tatenya, ni (< sitang- (self-) + tenya, dead)

 > Valjean's kindness made Javert commit suicide.
?Bananisa ena Valjean ang Javert mapaiyò tatenyalei.
/"bana"nisa "ena vAl"Za~ AN ZA"vE:R "mapa"io ta"tEnja"lEI)/
?kindness.CAU GEN Valjean A Javert PAST.take.3sg:o suicide.P
+banan, ni: charity, *kindness*; páo: to take

I guess I should think about how to use the causative case
again. I also need to remember that there's an instrumental

If you wondered about all those benefactives, I'm frequently
messing up the distinction between benefactive and
causative. Anyway, for expressing "in order to do
something" or "for doing something", you use the

 > 11. argot
 > Victor Hugo took a few chapters right in the middle of
 > the revolution to talk about argot.

I couldn't find "argot" in my dictionary as well.

Another hour and a half have passed for this one I think.
Translating these two WV's has taken all in all 4 or 5 days
because I did only a few sentences each day.

Carsten Becker


Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>"work detail; argot" (was: Weekly Vocab 3 and 4 in Ayeri)