> On Sun, 4 Jan 2009 00:35:34 -0600, Matthew Turnbull <ave.jor@...> wrote:
>>has anyone ever heard of a language that uses a uvular click as a
>>phoneme, and not an allophone.
> I assume you mean uvular accompaniment, not uvular click itself, which would
> seem impossible. In any case I didn't think they were that uncommon. Per
> at least ǃXóõ and Nǀuu and ǂHoan and G&#448;ui have some,
> though I can't tell
> about the phonemic status from there.
>>Also, and just as important, is there any international convention on
>>uvular click notation?
> Sure, use a tiebar tying together a click symbol and a [q], or whatever the
> accompaniment is.
> Alex