> Really? The X-SAMPA chart I'm looking at says |'| is
> indeed palatalization, but |`| surely is retroflexation.
> In X-SAMPA |_>| is glottalization, or at least that's
> the ejectives, but the difference between them escapes me.
> Hmm. Now I see that |`| is glottalization in Kirshenbaum.
> Perhaps you should say that in the beginning of your mail.
> |`| really is preferable when describing Tech. (But you
> had me going around thinking Tech had a retroflex at the
> beginning for a minute and I thought, "now *that's* a change." :)
I keep mixing Kirshenbaum and X-SAMPA, that's a problem. I can't decide on
which one I like best. Retroflexes I usually mark with a period afterwards:
t. d. s. n. r. l. I'm used to using my own translit.
And an ejective is always glottalized, but a glottalized consonant isn't
always ejective. Korean glottalized consonants are "tense", but not