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Re: Concept_sitting

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 13:31
> Erbrice <erbrice@...> wrote: > > For my conlang I need to decide if a concept can be splitted or not. > for exemple : rain (sky+ water and possibly "falling") stand, and lay > could be body direction (horizontal or vertical) love is the kind of > concept I yet couldn't split. The concept of 'sitting/sit, I cannot > get yet what it contains.
This sounds to me like creating compound words, forming new lexicon entries out of words already in the lexicon. I should think that most, if not all, languages do this. I remember how pleased I was with myself when I created the Senjecan word for "scissors," from "dwo" two + "siimos" knife, "dwosiimos"! I don't know what words you have in your conlang, but perhaps you have a word for "put, place, position" and a word for "butt, behind, buttocks." A sentence like "Please come in and sit down" could be translated as "Please come in and butt-place." Or you could use the verb-noun compound as Spanish does: *"pon(n)algas," "place-butt." Charlie


Erbrice <erbrice@...>