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Re: TECH: Font Embedding

From:Lars Mathiesen <thorinn@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 13:29
2008/12/3 David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
> I'm not sure I understand this new product correctly, but > will this "fix" the whole display problem on the web if the > font creator buys the product, or does the user have to buy > it too?
The font designer doesn't have to do anything. The web page designer has to use the product, and the browser has to have Flash installed and Javascript enabled. The latter fits about 99.5% of the general public, but in an audience of nerds and grumps like this, the number will be lower. The demo on the page uses absolute sizes (in px) for the object, which means that the letters stay the same size when the page is resized (in IE and FF at least). Might be better if they'd use em sizing. -- Lars