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Re: Enochian, also ritual language, was: The search...perfect language

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Sunday, June 20, 1999, 1:45
On Sat, 19 Jun 1999 12:03:30 +1200 Andrew Smith
<hobbit@...> writes:
>> Tav isn't Saf after a vowel, but where it's not dagesh'd - short >>vowels >> cause a dagesh-hhazaq (forte) in the following consonant.
>Does this mean you also have Thav? There are no occurances in the >sample >you gave, but it would pair with Dhalet.
I don't think i've ever used Thav....i'm Diasporan Ashkenazic, so i automatically equate "soft" Tav with Saf. However, since none of the accents i'm commonly in contact with have a "soft" Dalet, Dhalet is the only one i know of (and my using it probably has something to do with learning Spanish, which has a similar [d] >> [D] softening). Although, in my bare-phonological-level planned conlang Judean, the softenings are [t] >> [s] from tav/saf and [d] >> [z] based on that, for a hypothetical dalet/zalet.
>> although i realized i messed up some of the phonetic >>transcriptions...the >> second-to-last word is _venissmehha_, with a hhet [H]/[x], and not a >>khaf >> [x]. Also, the Ashkenazic transcription is European Diasporan, not >> American...Americans say [ow] for hholam, not [oj].
>I was not aware that there is a difference between between hhet and >khaf, >what is the description of these sounds.
Khaf is the softened form of [k] - velar voiceless fricative [x]. In the accents that distinguish it from Khaf, Hhet is [H], pharyngeal voiceless fricative. It's a deeper and "smoother"-sounding sound.
>The church I attend has a Samoan minister and we always have a >Polynesian >hymn when the collection is being taken up, of which our hymnary >contains >three! After three years I am still trying to master the >pronunciation of >these hymns. The problem is trying to fit in all those vowels while >singing them! > >- andrew.
So...there are more syllables than the tune seems to allow? -Stephen (Steg) "Bbbbbbbbb!" ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: