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Re: Enochian, also ritual language, was: The search...perfect language

From:Andrew Smith <hobbit@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 15, 1999, 1:53
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Steg Belsky wrote:

> And now, put together like a Frankenstein monster, how i sing it: > > [higgOle na uPros HaBiBi 6Olaj es sukas S@lojmExO > tO?ir ErEts mikvojDExO nOGilO v@nism@xO B@xO] >
Let's see if I get this right. In a Steghian sung accent: Dagesh Forte _appears_ to be ungerminated when a consonant is unvoiced, although there is not enough evidence to rule this as consistant. Dagesh Lene is preserved. Vet and Fei are bilabial fricatives rather than labio-dental fricatives. Tav becomes Saf after a vowel. Gimel, Dalet and Kaf preserve their classical pronounciation. A distinction in pronunciation is made between Het and Khaf. Both alef and ayn are preserved in speech. Sadei has become a fricative. Waw becomes Vav and is distinct from Vet. It looks like to me that the pronunciation of long and short qametz has not collapsed together if I read O and a correctly, except possibly in monosyllables. Generally classical values for vowels are preserved except Holem(?) becomes a diphthong in a open syllable. Schwa in the initial syllable of a word is always pronounced. Just what I suspected. You have the basis for a very interesting phonology there, Steg. - andrew. Andrew Smith, Intheologus Lo! thy dread empire, Chaos! is restored; Light dies before thy uncreating word: Thy hand, great Anarch! lets the curtain fall; And Universal Darkness buries All. - Alexander Pope, The Dunciad, Book IV.