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Re: Conlang name in spam subject? "burzeon staoch"

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 26, 2003, 14:53
Quoting Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>:

> Hi all! > > The other day I got a spam with the subject line > "burzeon staoch" I thought this would be an excellent > name of a conlang, or a phrase for something in a > conlang (presumably 'big c*ck', wrt the spam context.) > > Come to think of it it looks like Maghean, > save for the _z_!
The style is indeed reminicent of Meghean's. But there's a couple more problems than that "z"; no Meghean word begins with _st-_* and _ao_ should, in the regularized spelling I'm employing, only be found world-finally. That said, _z_ and _ao_ might be the product of a particularly ideosynchratic scribe ("z" presumably represents a glyph not found in the eighteen-letter Meghean alphabet), and _staoch_ could be a "funky loan that breaks the rules" (to borrown a phrase from John Cowan) - it does look vaguely like the perfect from of a verb. But more likely it's the result of said scribe trying to transcribe a foreign phrase. The pronouncing he or she was aiming for was then most likely something like [burZon stawx] (I'm assuming whoever chose 'z' for transliterating the unknown glyph knew what he/she was doing!). What language might that then be? It's obviously not Yargish**. Doesn't look much Larethian either. Presumeably it's from some human or dwarvish language. * Old Larethian st- got borrowed as simply t- into 'middle' Meghean - likely the same thing is true of more recent loans. ** If that doesn't seem obvious to you, recall that Yargish does not have bilabials. Andreas


Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>