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Re: Megdevi Book (was Re: What is it we are saying in our languages?)

From:David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Date:Saturday, July 15, 2006, 19:01
And then hopefully the picture can be translated into a David
Peterson kunstwerk, in which his innate pictorial flair is now
married to a newly heightened consciousness of feminine anatomy.

And raises a very important point.  For the sake of art and science,
we must all have access to this nude dancing picture of yours, Sally.
If it were just ordinary nude dancing on a table, that's one thing,
but dipsomaniacally?  This must be seen.

Mark wrote:
(Also,  as an inurbane Anglophone, I must say that when the topic of
female anatomy and kunstwerk come up together - type carefully. :)


"A male love inevivi i'ala'i oku i ue pokulu'ume o heki a."
"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn."

-Jim Morrison


Hanuman Zhang <zhang@...>
Sally Caves <scaves@...>