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Re: Re : Re: Sawilan Constructions

From:Charles <catty@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 17, 1999, 19:02
From Http://Members.Aol.Com/Lassailly/Tunuframe.Html wrote:

> Dans un courrier dat=E9 du 10/08/99 21:46:53 , Ed a =E9crit :
> >
I see this as pinning-down butterflies, linguistic lepidoptery.
> funny how these guys use fundamentals and despise them at > the same time. cognitive fields of activities imply a limited > number of processes implying a limited number of roles as > basic as the one consuming, the one carrying, the one covering, etc. > of course, these roles refer to "vehicle", "container", "trap", "stem",=
> and that sounds less smart than "multi-referential cognitive" stuff. >=20 > take that example (i guess Charles doesn't mind) : >=20 > the moon eats the sun >=20 > "eat =3D consume" in "food" field. > if "consume =3D hide" in "astronomy" field, then you understand : >=20 > the moon hides the sun >=20 > it's very easy to encode and decode such metaphora > because cognition fields are limited in number > and basic processes like "consume" or "hide" are likely limited.
Charles mostly agrees, and likes feral/outlaw compounds.
> the only condition to map this out is to look and dream and stop > intellectualize what billions of people understand instinctively.
But intellectualized instinct can be good too.