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Re: The World Atlas of Language Structures

Date:Saturday, April 26, 2008, 16:07
In a message dated 4/26/2008 04:37:26 AM Central Daylight Time,
taliesin-conlang@NVG.ORG writes:

> That said, it strikes me that describing how the various features work > for our own conlangs might be fun, especially for mostly a priori > creatures like mine... This makes it possible/easier to discover which > natural language a conlang resembles most, complete with a map-reference > in case we'd want to borrow from the geographical neighbors. > > Again, *drool* > > > t., adding "conlang wals" to list of impossible projects >
How would you map the conlangs? stevo </HTML>


taliesin the storyteller <taliesin-conlang@...>