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Re: Conlang in planning: Tarsyanian

From:tomhchappell <tomhchappell@...>
Date:Saturday, July 23, 2005, 2:47
Hello, Carsten.  Glad to hear about your new conlang.
--- In, Carsten Becker <naranoieati@B...>
> [snip] > III. GRAMMAR > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Regarding the grammar, I thought about the following > features: > [snip] > * Masculinum/femininum in addition to animate/inanimate > * no grammatical tense, tense is expressed with temporal > adverbs (perfective/imperfective aspects) > * different declensions and conjugations? -> Depends on > sound changes! > * Cases are always marked with articles > * Some kind of active language (agent-/patienthood are > lexicalized now) OR volitionality as criteria (that'd > make it a real active language, wouldn't it)?
> * NOM/AGT, ACC/PAT, DAT/BEN, GEN/ABL -> NO weird behaviour > in ditransitive sentences: Donator is AGT, Receiver is > BEN, Object is PAT
hat is the non-weird behaviour the ditransitive sentences do behave?
> * Adjectives are declined and compared like in English > with modal adverbs of degree, not with verbs > * Stative ("<NOUN> is <ADJ>.") adjectives are conjugated, > though the agentive part is patientive (traces of > ergativity!) > * Adverbs do not need to be made fit to their head words > (which was stupid of me to do in Ayeri!) > [snip]
> Hope you enjoyed this,
I expect to. I've enjoyed the rest of your work. Tom H.C. in MI