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Re: PHONO: websites on comparative phonologies?

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Thursday, April 4, 2002, 11:19
>Go to and download the IPA helper tool. It has complete >carts, as well as recorded examples (including "weird" stuff like creaky >voice!). I've found it amazingly helpful.
I tried it, and it didn't help me much (but I'm not a beginner and I'm already familiar with most of the IPA sounds). The .wav files were not of very good quality. Though I'll give it some points for providing real-world examples in various languages of certain sounds. The symbols with diacritics didn't show up right either. They all looked like letters with dots or ticks below them. Since I have a decent mic and good ol' Sound Recorder that will convert .wav files to low-but-adequate quality .mp3s (that is, 56 kbits/sec at 24 kHz stereo or mono maximum), I'd do better just making my own sound files. And I'll just use those to drill myself. ~Danny~


Peter Clark <pc451@...>